How to quit your job and travel around the world

The true China had infinitely exceeded the concepts and the words with which I had tried to visualize and foregauge it. China was no longer an idea; it had assumed flesh and bone. It is that incarnation I am going to tell about. -Simone de Beauvoir, The Long March, 1955

Asia Trip 2.0

And you thought the blog was over! Nope. Plans are brewing for Asia Part 2. Much has changed from this time last year. I have been taking a few classes at NYU in psychology (semester over this week) and freelance writing in the past 12 months. My biggest gig has been as an editor at Activate.However, my travel bug just hasn't gone away and especially my interest in Asia ... so I am taking four weeks off in June and July to go east again. Unlike last year's trip, this year I will be traveling with my boyfriend (yes, a lot has happened in a year). We are in the planning stages now for three weeks in China and Tibet, and possibly a fourth week in Pakistan to visit Lahore and his family in Karachi. However, the first step is to get visas. Tomorrow morning 8 a.m. we'll at the China Consulate in New York City. I've heard it's a zoo, so the adventure starts early. Next week, I'll work on the Pakistan visa. Our departure date is June 15 ...

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