Best Fish Ball Soup Ever in Bangkok's Chinatown.

A vendor scoops dried shrimp in Chinatown.
I have been saved from the backpacker ghetto! Through a friend in New York, I had the number of young Thai guy, who has been so great. He took me with his friends to a microbrewery/music venue last night, where we saw some amazing Thai music followed by the most rocking version of "I love rock and roll" ever. Today, I brought all my stuff to Neng's apartment and then headed out to Chinatown, which is such a sensory overload in the best way. By way of the world's largest golden Buddha, where I tossed in a few bhat for an amulet for good luck, I worked my way into the labyrinth. Basically each street is a one-trick pony as far as merch - all flip flops on one, all sink faucets on another, pig lips here and fresh ground pepper there. I did walk by one disturbing thing as I wandered into an inner inner alley to check out a Chinese shrine of some sort: boxes of cages full-grown cats stacked. Now, most of the cats I have seen are roaming freely around, so I am not really sure why these were caged...
Next stop was a street vendor for freshly fried egg rolls. As I pointed to some the other customer, an older Chinese woman, made a big thumbs up. Anyway, I realized after a few bites why she was so happy with me - it was a chitling egg roll. I managed to eat one and most of a second before I had had enough guts for the day. Still hungry, I pulled into another food stand and had a bowl of fish ball soup, which was quite possibly the best thing I've had yet.
On my way back to Thong Lo I decided to stop in for a bikini wax, since I am heading to the beack tomorrow. Let's just say they really have an eye for detail! I wouldn't call it a wax, so much as a tweeze, and it takes more than an hour. Yoweeee! We must suffer so for beauty. That, by the way ladies, cost me $4.
One more thing - when I was packing I was really confused about electronics here. Here's the deal, the plug prongs are the same as the US but the voltage is 220. However, a lot of electronics have built-in converters in the plug unit, like the iPod and HP digital cameras. So basically, I haven't had a problem here. Other countries I am heading to may be different, so I'll update as I find out.