How to quit your job and travel around the world

The true China had infinitely exceeded the concepts and the words with which I had tried to visualize and foregauge it. China was no longer an idea; it had assumed flesh and bone. It is that incarnation I am going to tell about. -Simone de Beauvoir, The Long March, 1955

This is an amoebic cyst. One just like it has been living in my gut for the past few months and causing me trouble. You might get this if you go to India. But don't let that scare you away! I am on antibiotics and clearing the thing up.

Finally, last week after a summer of GI issues, the doctors were finally able to diagnose me. "This is what you get for leaving the country," said Dr. Murray Orbach, in a kindly yet somewhat insensitive way, as his Indian medical resident Sanjay stood by also taking notes on my condition. I, of course, having insisted correctly, that I probably got this bugger in India myself. You get this guy from eating unwashed fruits/vegetables, ingesting through water or other unclean food. It can takes days to months to manifest, and up to 50 percent of people are asymptomatic. It is also, when left untreated, the world's third largest cause of death. It could bore through your intestinal wall and break loose, and cover other important organs (liver, brain) with cysts. But I think I got it good and early. "Take this very very seriously," said Dr. Orbach. And I am! He gave me a 3-day course of Tindamax, 2 grams per day (4 pills/day) that kind of makes you feel nauseous and exhausted. But I do feel better, which makes me wonder how crappy I was really feeling before. Anyway, I put this all out there for you other citizen physicians, who like me, love self-diagnosis and Google.

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